Hello. my friends developer. The new SVN is online, with our Aion-Core 5.0 which we will upgrade to 5.8. Read more, click here

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General - // - Aion Core Dev. Support


  1. Community News

    Read about the latest news and changes to the project.

  2. General Discussion

    General discussion about the project as a whole can be made here.
    Please note that this is not a support forum!
    Please, read the Forum Rules inside.

  3. */* Introduce yourself *\*

    Just take little time and introduce yourself.
    For example, where you come from, what hobbies do you have and how many language you can speak.
    Maybe you have a car or a bike, then tell us what are you driving.
    * This is also a requirement to your Developer apply

  4. 1

Board Life Status

Board startup date: December 25, 2014 06:24:13
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