Aion Lightning 3.9 Full Source Codes Server
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Full working Housing Full working Task System Full working Village System Dimensional Vortex System Retail Instances New Arena's New Retails Instances (Fully working + Fully AI2) All new Quests New Event System Retail Drops The Last Aion release with Ingame Shop
Aion Gameserver&Client version 3.9.x
Characters creation Player stats Player cube expansion Items use works fine (you can us all kind of pots and food etc.) Lvl up and exp rates are compatible Merchants, Brokers ,Personal Shops are working fine Monsters attack and movement is correct Flight Teleport Normal Teleport Player pvp system Player duell system Trade between players Looting system Enchant System (manastones,goodstones etc gives corrcet stats) Personal warehouses Account warehouses Legion system (with all new titles and remodeled clothes) Items Remodeling Weapon Fusion System Set Items Bonuses Fortress works PvP in abyss is possible Plyer Sikills (skillbooks all woking correctly) Rift system Group system (alliance included) 100% of Campain Quets is Working but 95% is Retail Like 90% of Normal Quests Woking Windstreams Works Pet System Mount System Housing System Low lvl instances working almost reatail like work on others is in progress Essoterance Instance working fine (quests for it in progress) Flying time , correct gliding and fly rings working 100% spawns from 2.5 but 70% of Npcs spawn and walkers are retail like Cosmetics Tickets working (hair change etc.) Motions working (books) Emotions working(books) 100% of normal drops but 80% of Bosses Drops are ratail like * 5000 Quest ! (3.7 complete)
* Windstream works!* Broker.
* Characters creation.
* Player cube expansion (inventory), warehouse.
* Items support, equipements, potions, food
* Exping and level up is possible.
* Player stats.
* Monsters move and attack normally (Basic AI).
* Merchant npc sale & buy items, shops 100%.
* IngameShop (Korea)
* Drop and loot system from monsters.
* Normal & Flight Teleport.
* Trade between players.
* Player class change.
* Player pvp system.
* Player vs Player (pvp) in the Abyss.
* Player duel system.
* Players friend system.
* Npc titles.
* Other npcs <> players interaction.
* Npc Movement and walking
* Spawn protection
* Different skill types: (hundreds of skills working correctly)
* Items stats attributes, attack, defense, etc.
* Quests engine with campaign quests, group drop distribution for quests
* Skillbooks
* Advanced Configurable Stigma system
* Group system
* Manastone socketing and bonuses
* Enchant System
* Plastic Surgery Ticket
* Gender Switch Ticket
* Name Change Ticket
* Partial Plastic Surgery Item Exchange Coupon
* Rifts and rift announcements
* Instances support
* Personal warehouses.
* Account warehouses.
* Legion system with many advanced features
* Alliances
* Gathering process and gather skill level up
* Crafting support
* Godstone socketing and effects
* Items Remodeling
* Fusion of Weapons
* Proper damage formulas.
* Dual Wielding (You don't belive that? Finally the Assassine dreams comes true.)
* Private shops
* Flying timer, correct gliding
* Zone manager with drowning/breath area
* Item set bonuses
* Basic npc skills support
* Fortress works
* Fortress Instances works
* Artifacts spawned correctly
* Shields implemented for the forts in the abyss.
* Siege Scheduler
* Hourly Onlinebonus* Mounts
* Tiamaranta Sieges
* Legion Missions* Town Village (Pernon and Oriel)
* Disputed Land (3.5 features)
* Retail DarkPoeta Points System
* Retail Beschmundir
* Retail Dredgion
* Scheduled Siege
* Empyrean Crucible Stages
* Solo Crucible Challenge
* Raksang* Rentus Base
* Steelrake Cabin
* Satra Treasure Hoard
* Argent Manor
* Aturam Sky Fortress
* Elemental Forest
* Crucible Coliseum
* Arena of Discipline
* Arena of Chaos
* Arena Of Harmony
* Arena Of Glory
* Arena Of Unity
* Dragon Lord Refuge
* Tiamat Stronghold
* The Hexway
* War System with commands
* Dredgion Balaur Carrier Assault
* Hourly Online Reward System
* Hourly Event Reward System
* Code Red Event (new Event from NA)
* Security and Anti-Cheat System * Full GeoData 3.9 Support (almost done for full 3.9 geodata) * Full Chatserver
- /1 Local
- /2 Trade
- /3 Group
- /4 Class Extras:
1. Online Bonus
2. Event Bonus
3. Unlimited Items Remodelling Service
Server Version:3.7 - 3.9 (NA)(EU)
Client Version: 3.7 - 3.9 (NA)(EU)
Server Language Support: German and English players are welcome !
GeoData works IngameShop 100% working Buy options;
1. Full Source Codes Gameserver with all you need to start a LIVE server, for public, freinds, etc..
It comes with;
1. Gameserver, Loginserver and Chatserver and original Aion Lightning 2.7 (Mr.Poke) GeoData
2. Proper JAVA JDK to install
3. MySQL Server
4. Full working Aion Client 3.9
5. 1 year SVN Host * 3 User in price - INCLUDED -
It's not a portable version for beginners, it's a real Gameserver that you can configure as you wish on a dedicated root server.
The source code is on our Repository SVN host. You can checkout and download it.
If you need a SVN Host for developing, you can keep the source code on the SVN Host and
rent it from us for a small fee per 1 year.
Test Gameserver is available by request. You will need our Aion Client 3.9
If you are interested, feel free to contact me and ask for a quote.
About Aion Lightning 3.9 Full Source Codes Server
Working Features:
- Full working Housing
- Full working Task System
- Full working Village System
- Dimensional Vortex System
- Retail Instances
- New Arena's
- New Retails Instances (Fully working + Fully AI2)
- All new Quests
- New Event System
- Retail Drops
The Last Aion release with Ingame Shop
Aion Gameserver&Client version 3.9.x
- Characters creation
- Player stats
- Player cube expansion
- Items use works fine (you can us all kind of pots and food etc.)
- Lvl up and exp rates are compatible
- Merchants, Brokers ,Personal Shops are working fine
- Monsters attack and movement is correct
- Flight Teleport
- Normal Teleport
- Player pvp system
- Player duell system
- Trade between players
- Looting system
- Enchant System (manastones,goodstones etc gives corrcet stats)
- Personal warehouses
- Account warehouses
- Legion system (with all new titles and remodeled clothes)
- Items Remodeling
- Weapon Fusion System
- Set Items Bonuses
- Fortress works
- PvP in abyss is possible
- Plyer Sikills (skillbooks all woking correctly)
- Rift system
- Group system (alliance included)
- 100% of Campain Quets is Working but 95% is Retail Like
- 90% of Normal Quests Woking
- Windstreams Works
- Pet System
- Mount System
- Housing System
- Low lvl instances working almost reatail like work on others is in progress
- Essoterance Instance working fine (quests for it in progress)
- Flying time , correct gliding and fly rings working
- 100% spawns from 2.5 but 70% of Npcs spawn and walkers are retail like
- Cosmetics Tickets working (hair change etc.)
- Motions working (books)
- Emotions working(books)
- 100% of normal drops but 80% of Bosses Drops are ratail like
* 5000 Quest ! (3.7 complete)
* Windstream works!* Broker.
* Characters creation.
* Player cube expansion (inventory), warehouse.
* Items support, equipements, potions, food
* Exping and level up is possible.
* Player stats.
* Monsters move and attack normally (Basic AI).
* Merchant npc sale & buy items, shops 100%.
* IngameShop (Korea)
* Drop and loot system from monsters.
* Normal & Flight Teleport.
* Trade between players.
* Player class change.
* Player pvp system.
* Player vs Player (pvp) in the Abyss.
* Player duel system.
* Players friend system.
* Npc titles.
* Other npcs <> players interaction.
* Npc Movement and walking
* Spawn protection
* Different skill types: (hundreds of skills working correctly)
* Items stats attributes, attack, defense, etc.
* Quests engine with campaign quests, group drop distribution for quests
* Skillbooks
* Advanced Configurable Stigma system
* Group system
* Manastone socketing and bonuses
* Enchant System
* Plastic Surgery Ticket
* Gender Switch Ticket
* Name Change Ticket
* Partial Plastic Surgery Item Exchange Coupon
* Rifts and rift announcements
* Instances support
* Personal warehouses.
* Account warehouses.
* Legion system with many advanced features
* Alliances
* Gathering process and gather skill level up
* Crafting support
* Godstone socketing and effects
* Items Remodeling
* Fusion of Weapons
* Proper damage formulas.
* Dual Wielding (You don't belive that? Finally the Assassine dreams comes true.)
* Private shops
* Flying timer, correct gliding
* Zone manager with drowning/breath area
* Item set bonuses
* Basic npc skills support
* Fortress works
* Fortress Instances works
* Artifacts spawned correctly
* Shields implemented for the forts in the abyss.
* Siege Scheduler
* Hourly Onlinebonus* Mounts
* Tiamaranta Sieges
* Legion Missions* Town Village (Pernon and Oriel)
* Disputed Land (3.5 features)
* Retail DarkPoeta Points System
* Retail Beschmundir
* Retail Dredgion
* Scheduled Siege
* Empyrean Crucible Stages
* Solo Crucible Challenge
* Raksang* Rentus Base
* Steelrake Cabin
* Satra Treasure Hoard
* Argent Manor
* Aturam Sky Fortress
* Elemental Forest
* Crucible Coliseum
* Arena of Discipline
* Arena of Chaos
* Arena Of Harmony
* Arena Of Glory
* Arena Of Unity
* Dragon Lord Refuge
* Tiamat Stronghold
* The Hexway
* War System with commands
* Dredgion Balaur Carrier Assault
* Hourly Online Reward System
* Hourly Event Reward System
* Code Red Event (new Event from NA)
* Security and Anti-Cheat System - * Full GeoData 3.9 Support (almost done for full 3.9 geodata)
* Full Chatserver
- /1 Local
- /2 Trade
- /3 Group
- /4 Class -
1. Online Bonus
2. Event Bonus
3. Unlimited Items Remodelling Service
Server Version:3.7 - 3.9 (NA)(EU)
Client Version: 3.7 - 3.9 (NA)(EU)
Server Language Support: German and English players are welcome !
- GeoData works
- IngameShop 100% working
Buy options;
1. Full Source Codes Gameserver with all you need to start a LIVE server, for public, freinds, etc..
It comes with;
1. Gameserver, Loginserver and Chatserver and original Aion Lightning 2.7 (Mr.Poke) GeoData
2. Proper JAVA JDK to install
3. MySQL Server
4. Full working Aion Client 3.9
5. 1 year SVN Host * 3 User in price - INCLUDED -
It's not a portable version for beginners, it's a real Gameserver that you can configure as you wish on a dedicated root server.
The source code is on our Repository SVN host. You can checkout and download it.
If you need a SVN Host for developing, you can keep the source code on the SVN Host and
rent it from us for a small fee per 1 year.
Test Gameserver is available by request. You will need our Aion Client 3.9
If you are interested, feel free to contact me and ask for a quote.
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Board Life Status
Board startup date: December 25, 2014 06:24:13